A film review: Citizen Kane.

This is my first publication in English. The review was a homework of the English course that I am doing, I choose a film which I saw with Tibi and Miguel, the name of the film is Citizen Kane.
Citizen Kane, a film which won an Oscar in 1941 for best original plot, was directed by Orson Welles. He was also the writer, the producer and the main star of the film.
It is set in United States in the 40´s. It was filmed in a studio.
The film is about a multimillonaire´s life. In the first scene the protagonist dies alone in his mansion and his last word before he dies was "Rosebud". The entire Nation were intrigued about the meaning of this strange word. A journalist decided to investigate Kane´s life to find what "Rosebud" meant. John Foster Kane was born in a very poor home but suddenly his father found an oil well. Kane grow up in the middle of the business world far away from his family. Most of Kane´s life was reconstructed by the journalist, he interviewed people who used to be near Kane but, despite his efforts, he couldn´t found the meaning of "Rosebud". Luckily, the audience can find its meaning.
This film is one of the best movies in history, Y strongly recommend Citizen Kane. The film makes you think about the things that are really important in life.
Advice: "See this film because it is really amazing. Take in account that the film was made in the 40´s."
Lea´s qualification: Excellent
you are a grossou... my grossou... :) cristin...