Animal Farm

Animal Farm is an amazing book written by George Orwell in 1945. It was the eighth of nine books published by the author, and it was one of his most popular books with Nineteen eighty four. The book has inspired two movies with the same title, the first of them was made in 1954 and it was a cartoon version. Then in 1999 there was another adaptation, but in this case the film was a live action version. Unfortunately, I haven't seen them yet so I can't say anything about these movies. The plot tells about a farm in England where the animals become the owners by driving away the human beings. The main goal of this master piece was to criticize Stalin's communism which is named "Animalism" in the book. The author uses different kinds of animals to represent the different kinds of people that were involved in this period of Russian history, for example Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin are represented by pigs named Old Major, Snowball and Napoleon respectively. ...